Alexander Technique


Functional Breath Work

Alexander Technique

Part tension relief, posture improvement and movement education, you will receive hands-on assistance uncovering the tension habits at the root cause of most pain, injury or discomfort and learn a powerful framework for increasing your mindfulness and taking more control over how you move and feel. While this technique is utilized by world class performers, it is excellent for anyone with chronic back & neck pain, desk bound workers, cell phone use or anyone looking to avoid losing mobility as they age.

Functional Breath Work

This Functional Breath work training targets the 50% of adults with dysfunctional breathing patterns, leading to issues like high blood pressure, poor sleep, and asthma. It offers techniques to transform everyday breathing, reducing anxiety, managing stress, and boosting energy. Drawing from The Oxygen Advantage, it incorporates research-backed exercises beneficial for anxiety, asthma, and sleep apnea. Elements of Alexander Technique, Buteyko Method, Carl Stough's work, endurance training, and Broadway vocal techniques provide a holistic approach. The training is simple, accessible, and doesn't necessitate meditation or spiritual experience.

Kevin Munhall

Kevin is a certified Alexander Technique (three-year/1600 hr) and Functional Breath work Instructor who founded Habit Disruption where he helps people improve their posture, reduce pain, decrease stress & anxiety, breathe properly and take more mindful control over how they move and feel.  Aside from his private clients, he has run events and workshops for Avocado Green Mattress, Touch care Health,  American University, Vassar College and more. Formerly a Broadway dancer (Anastasia, Tootsie, Allegiance & Anything Goes), he brings the mindfulness and awareness tools he used to survive 8 shows a week to anyone looking to thrive during their 5 day work week.